DRAFT Transcriptions with No Date

Of Adano Ley Satsangs

Adano Ley DRAFT Transcriptions with No Date

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Revised 8/2/2021 - DRAFT (These are currently loose, unreviewed outlines)

Misc topics. Mantra means spiritual aid, designed to help you understand yourself. Psalms are laid out to show us an ethical way to live. Harassment is like a picador (bullfight) and well wishers in a family are like picadors. Meditation disciplines: focusing the eyes (pick a point / focus without blinking), art of breathing (I and my Father are One is a breathing technique), art of hearing (demonstration of Hong So technique from Yogananda), discipline of feeling (left thumb on right wrist and locate pulse, built in rosary / metronome). Story of Indian Chief and Minister from Assembly of God church, Chief is just wearing a blanket. Minister says “Chief, don’t you feel cold?” Chief says “tell me friend, do you cover your face in the wintertime?” Chief pulls aside blanket and he is naked and says “Me all face.” That was a prayer technique that Adano learned. Story about a student (later the Swami that initiated Adano) who did not think he was making progress. His teacher asked him “How long can you sit down and meditate without getting restless.” The teacher and student meditated and at the end of one hour, the teacher nailed the student calf to the floor with an old rusty nail. Then healed the student saying “I’ll leave the scar so you will know how far you are in god.” Master Jesus was not suffering on the cross either. The most difficult part of the discipline is feeling. Body getting stiff during meditation is feeling diminishing in certain areas, but the mind is craving sensation. So it sets up an alarm system and end of meditation.

Adano00_01FromEdQ4NW1 - Not eating. Weight gain / loss. 10 36 radicals. Diseases are placebo. If you label it, you got it. Yes, no, and maybe of what is actually involved. The pineal gland is a lens that provides convex vision. 20 Getting the real understanding 30 Pickup your own cross and follow me. Love the Lord with all your mind, strength, and soul. And your neighbor as yourself that’s the key to immortality. Butterfly eats his way to butterfly-hood. Psychophysical synchronicity, a spiritual person is a practical person, moment to moment action represents immunity, disengagement of unity, free love w/o coercion, surrender timing to consciousness, can you act what you say, convex vision, karmic or spermal.

Adano00_1SolarQ4NW7 - Acid / alkaline nitrazine paper. Meal is comprised of protein, carbohydrate, mineral / vitamin, lipid or oil, liquid or water. 10 Animal flesh doesn’t have nitrogen. 20 Almonds have nitrogen and all 12 basic minerals. 30 Animals go over animals that are not healthy. 40 Adrenaline and uric acid in meat attacks liver, pancreas. 50 Spirulina is built to raise the enervation level. Take it at night if from Mexico. Afternoon if from the US. 1:00 Almonds set the hydrochloric acid, eat them first. 1:10 Morning, afternoon, evening timings. Boiled oranges.

Adano00_02FromEdQ4NW1 - You are your own heaven and hell with your tongue. Love backward is evol-ving. You got all eternity to evolve. Ever new love, ever new joy or you would get bored with it. Come in sperm 162. 10 Spermal confrontations. 20 Living in the now is the liberation from the conditions imposed by the planetary system. Saturn is Greek for Chronos, Father time. 30 The Law of Miracles in Autobiography of a Yogi is the Unified Field. 40 Creative Intelligence is playing a fantastic game and gambling on it, but the creation cannot win, it can only surrender to it. “You see me, you see the Father.” He’s banking that Man will play every game to avoid giving unconditional love. 50 Cold war and whose language will setup the behavior patterns.

Adano00_2SolarQ4NW7 - The challenge for the mechanism is to work your way through. You can live / function minus the meat, but some blood types crave it: A and AB even though they are designed to not be meat eaters. They are designed to eat grain that has acid that doesn’t affect them. However, they crave the experience of acid from meat. Type B and O craves to be a non-meat eater. 10 Story about man with amoebic dysentery. A little Sake helped it. 20 Sake is made from grass. Rice is a neutral food. 1 lb wild rice, 3 lbs of brown rice combined is the ultimate form of protein. Can be used in place of almonds. Short grain is a little more acid than long grain. Mucus can be caused by having grains at the wrong time (morning). Gas, mucus, and hardening of the tissues are signs of food out of time cycle. 30 We are at the mercy of nature if we don’t have a stability backup like an anchor being carried by a boat which is only used during storms. Nighttime foods. 40 Vitamin C from nightshade plants like tomatoes and bell pepper. The tomato is a fruto-vegetable, a cross between the two. It behaves like a bat, it flies and has no wings with a face like a rat. It hunts at night in the dark. Tomato climbs like a vine, but behaves like a fruit and has vitamin C that doesn’t break down with heat. Don’t crack fingers sideways. 50 Seaweed is for gonad and uterine canal plus eggs and fish for reproductive organs. Oysters for horniness. Iodine / seaweed for regenerative organs. Vitamins phase out in alcohol so nature has made the maguey plant (cactus) in the bromeliad family. The leaves are like the public hair. Genital problems that are toxic are solved by vitamin C. Herpes is a drastic problem with lack of vitamin C. Maguey plant (tequila) is good for this. 1:00 Story about man running race drinking apple juice, then orange juice when finished. Excellent results. 1:10 Different racial groups have different time to phase out cow dairy products (latest is around 21). Goat milk is alkaline in reaction. 1:20 Explanation of times for different foods. Most heart attacks happen after lunch from out of time eating. Giving them oxygen helps them at this time.

Adano00_3SolarQ4NW7 - Medicinal dose of alcohol is a teaspoon. Smells of apples in relationship to ripeness. 10 Farmers picking fruit at the range of malic acid smelling like ammonia to prevent worms from eating them. Light affects the odor of plants. Alcohol from potatoes, beets, etc. 20 The organs have to be fed and cleaned in each time cycle through fruit in each light cycle. Morning cleansing is the best time through fruits and nuts. Afternoon heavy meal and cleaning with grapes, melons, berries, and evening semi-heavy meal and pineapple. Daylight savings time is for economics. 30 Checking timing of the body at 3 AM. Environment is God and you are God. If the two aren’t synchronized, then there is discordance. 3 AM = right nostril. 40 Story about Sonny biting into a hamburger with a toothpick and having to go to the hospital instead of going to the front lines of the war. Adano recommended that Sonny create pains in his body because he was too pure and was losing his immunity to pain. Sonny got sick one day and started losing weight. The doctor’s scared him and he went on a long fast to clean up his body. Adano recommended again that he get some pain in his body, but Sonny went ahead with the fast. He called Adano to meet him at 6 PM. When Adano got there, Sonny had killed himself and left a note for Adano that said: “I refuse to suffer.” Adano went and got a bottle of rum in honor of his father who forced Adano to drink to cure him of his toxicity. He never got rum after that until Sonny’s death. 50 Adano born during gallbladder time so he thrives on foods in the middle of the day (and he had his gallbladder removed). Adano got on the path when he was living in Canada in 1945. He looked for a 100 books on God. He was broke at the time and realized he wasn’t being practical to survive. He had only $3. He was looking at a photo of Yogananda and turned over on his bed and locked the shutters. Just about midnight to 1 AM, he saw what looked like a firefly that moved. It got bigger and kept moving until it went to Yogananda’s picture. Only the eyes of the photo were talking to him. The eyes were saying “none come unto the Father, but by me.” The next day “Autobiography of a Yogi” fell off the shelf. Adano recognized Yogananda’s face on the book. He read the book from beginning to end. He wrote to Yogananda and Yogananda wrote back “none come unto the Father, but by me. I accept you as a student.” Adano then found a job as a chef in a Chinese restaurant. Then he took the SRF lessons and soon got a letter from Yogananda that said “Prepare yourself for initiation.” 1:00 He took a bath and sat down in front of the picture. In a few minutes, he felt a big thumb on his forehead. Adano’s eyes started flaring up and he walked in that state for 7 days. He could see the future, but couldn’t do anything about it. It phased down after he stopped analyzing it. Adano wrote again and ask where he could get 100 books about God. Yogananda said, “What is all the knowledge in all the book compared to 15 silence in the Soul.” It took Adano 18 years to achieve this. 1:10 Maple syrup has iron. Cherries have iron. Black olives. “A little bit of anything is medicine, too much is toxic.” 1:20 “There is a time, place, and a season for everything.” King Solomon (King Solar-man)

Adano00_4ScienceoftheSoulQ1NW4 - God as the Divine Creative Intelligence, knowing our origins, in the science of the soul you must always get the same result / the same common experience, what the same common experience of man? = peace, bliss, God is not a person sitting on a throne, man must accept a wide scope of god that he can relate to tangibly, to a dying man God is the next breath which brings him joy because he has more life to pursue his desires, this joy is God to a dying man, to a man who is poor God is the joy of winning the sweepstakes or gotten an inheritance because he is secure now that he can pay his bills, removing his fear and insecurity. The common feeling is Joy. The person who is sorrowful and needs sympathy from his fellow man. The moment it is extended to him is joy. You walk out on the street and the rain is falling and your clothes are wet and someone comes along and offers you an umbrella, that brief Joy is God. He is making us realize through our very structure that He is the Joy of ourselves. The Saints call it Bliss, the Divine Rapture, ordinary people call it Joy. Prayer is the first link in the Science of the Soul, Jesus being asked how to Pray. Pray is a privilege and a two way communication, prayer brings results according to how it is applied. Prayer in a transmitting stage should be asking the Creative Intelligence for understanding. The second type of prayer is reception (the adult prayer), in this stage God is talking to us giving us ideas or inspiration to act in the environment. Some of us cannot accept inspiration from God because we have a mental conflict because we cannot tell fellow man that God has talked us. God is the divine broadcaster as a divine joy coming in the heart and this broadcasting force is coming through us to insure us against the pull of negative vibrations in the environment so we can face of obligations and work in the environment. Reasoning blocks the wonderment of consciousness (child-like quality), and reason causes the inner life to dry up, but Reason, logic, and experimentation is the second link in the science of the soul because it allows us to believe and know the creative forces, wisdom, divine reasoning, intuition. Prayer can be brought into a day to day experimentation alone or in groups, using our reasoning to plan and work in our environment, a proper, balanced existence in our environment and we are an extension of our environment. Prayer cannot create a microphone, it takes reason also. At 39 minutes, good summary of above. However, over attachment is a burden of reason and logic, so the next stage is meditation, how do we transcend the pull of our desires by the very things we have constructed around us so they don’t become a burden to the mind. Meditation is that next link that frees us and helps us to transcend the pull. Meditation is the ability now to receive the thought waves from the Creative Intelligence surrounding you, flowing through you, inspiring you to the oneness with the Creator. The Soul is an extension of the Creator, like the image is an extension of the original form. Breaking the illusion that we are separated from Him. Example of the reflections of the moon in ten glasses of water, breaking glasses, mopping up water, and getting back to the original image (feeling the oneness back). Meditation is an acronym for Mental Energy Directing Individual Thought Activities Towards an Intuitive Observation / Oneness with Numenon. Being independent of the five senses for the first time. A total identity with the divine life. You can’t stay in that state, so don’t be despondent when you shrink back out of that state otherwise you would be taken away by men in white coats. Joy from Prayer (sending / receiving), Joy from Reason, and Joy from Oneness of who you are because you are transcending the pull of the senses, lined up with the divine current consciously. Master can assume the karmic debt and extend the period of payoff without extra interest. The technique is called Initiation (baptism) drawing the energies toward an inward flow. See the radiant form of the Master. “As many received him to them gave ye the power to be Sons of God,” radiant light. Stories of life control: Jesus raising the dead, Lazarus (rich and poor), the Centurion’s child, himself. “My God, my God, why has though forsaken me” was Jesus’ mantra from Psalm 22 allowed Jesus to pull the energy into the brain and hold it. Blue is Christ Intelligence, five pointed star that looks like a Dove diving down like when Jesus was being baptized. The Science of the Holy Breath is a gift, Master Yogananda empowered many to initiate. Initiation gives the person the key to shift gears so that you can go on.

Adano00_4SolarQ4NW7 - Certain illnesses require immunization, but to not become toxic wash the area with apple cider vinegar and put castor oil on it. Sake is the most neutral alcohol. One teaspoon of local alcohol when traveling as a natural immunization for the colon. Plantain must be cooked. 10 Cashew is a fruit (cashew pear). Vine ripened / falling off the vine is best for tomatoes raw, otherwise cooked. Sprouted beans have high content of nitrogen with protein or cook it with grain. 20 Mushrooms should be cooked otherwise the spores can take hold in the colon (manure). Story about New Yorker peanut farming in Texas not realizing peanuts grow underground. 30 Salted peanuts are not the best. Peanuts are needed for protein and for the reaction on the liver. It has a mineral that is ideal for the liver, making it elastic. Good for alcoholics. Raw peanuts are not the best. Two teaspoons apple cider vinegar, two teaspoons honey, and 8 ounces of distilled water is the only thing you should drink while eating. Eat a solar food after a difficult conversation to relax the body. Phases out the reaction of hostility. 40 Yucca has to be cooked. Uses for various foods. Dextrinization to make food “high octane.” Bypasses time in the colon for utilization. 180 degrees 15-20 minutes. 50 Almonds to set your weight. Add an almond for another 10 pounds, remove an almond to decrease 10 pounds. 1:00 Drink cold liquids to gain weight. Drink warm liquids to lose weight. Carbon dioxide causes bloating which is a result of fermenting toxins. Dancing is good to reduce CO2. “Autopractic technique” = working on yourself. “Shake and shiver.” 1:10 30 years to muck it up, 10 year cycle x 3. Three score and ten does not mean to die. It means to become the patriarch to show them how to live without the conditions. When people live to 100 then do more decision activity. So you would be eating less because it requires less heavy foods to make decisions, but the brain wouldn’t be ready before then. You have to grow up and see it all before you make the decision. 1:20 When you eat and the time you eat it, attitude still plays an important part because even Jesus says, “it’s not what you put in that defiles you, it is what comes out that defiles you.” The enzymes working on the minerals in the saliva creates toxicity from the sonic resonance of the words. It depends on how you say it. 1:30 Adano helps somebody with cramps. It’s not the calcium, it’s the iron that’s the real problem.

Adano00_05FromEdQ4NW1 - The script is only 99% valid. 1% is random surprise which is reserved. He who is strong enough to wrench the dice out of the hand of the decision of Fate, changes the whole game, but you have to have the strength. The 1% is defying the laws in terms of existing conditions which he has to face. Kal is time. Sat is conscious. The path of the realized man is one of conscious exhortation by verbalization over the time relationship by anxiety. The universe is a sonic process geared down to geometry to exhibit time. Time takes precedence of geometry and sonics takes precedence over time. Optics is needed to examine it. Sonic can only be heard. 10 We must live our sonics. The movie Altered States showed the fallacy of chemistry over time. Adano falling off the building. His brain was operating faster than optics which allowed him to push off the building and landed on the grass by six inches. 20 Moving fast versus moving slow in people’s thinking. Environment is synchronous with input and storage of one’s nature and you can only synchronize your action to match it to survive and that is timing and you override timing by what you say to yourself. Insecurity is the only security. I thrive on insecurity. 30 You dream in alpha and theta, but not in delta. If you can stay in delta and be aware, you find out you’re neither man nor woman. Dead men are all in delta, but they can’t walk with it. Realized men are in delta, walking with it, and they know their neither man nor woman. “Those who have eyes to see let them see and ears to hear, let them hear.” Monroe Hemi-Sync tapes. I build biofeedback machines. Everybody can raise their body temperature, but it is very hard to lower temperature except in delta. When they photograph me, the upper portion of my lungs don’t show up. Structure of the lungs: 5 lobes - two on the left and three on the right. Electromagnetic heart is on the right side. Jesus ascended to the right hand of the father. 72,000 nerve ends in polarity so 144,000. 40 Whirling Dervish’s. Bio-oscillation to get ketchup out of a bottle. Bioemulsification of the Dervish’s lymphatic system. 50 God is very mundane and very sacred. The sacredness of God is that we can’t take away His job of making a creation. We have to survive and be satisfied to be a creation and Him be the Creator, but the beautifulness is the face that principle is embodied or in-resident in this organism as sonics, the ability to talk to one-self and by virtue of this embodiment and privilege, the atoms must obey me if I act what I say. It is that simple and that powerful and that dynamic, but if I don’t, then I must pay the consequences by virtue of denial and lack of understanding and to be out of time is very obvious after awhile because you’re going to goof up. 50 Question: How can I better time my stock market investments? Answer: I’m going to answer you like a certain brother of mine told another friend. Your outer life, I have no control of, no matter you may seem to love me from within your heart. If ever you need to find central focus within your brain, close your eyes and see me if you can then discover what I can do for you at that point in terms of timing. As far as the external manifestation through your open eyes, I can’t alter that for you. I can’t eat for you, but I can help you to help yourself to eat correctly. We can’t really alter people’s outer lives. The outer live is your own responsibility, to make the mistakes and learn from it. Inner life is the relationship of gurus who can trigger a sense of unity with your nature. That is a different kind of relationship. I went to Las Vegas and won back every cent he spent to stay there. I don’t want a penny more or penny less. I went four times to Vegas and broke even each time. Using credit to your advantage

Adano00_AndysHouseQ3NW1 - Andy Gallencia (sp?) in El Paso. Talking your problems with others is the healthiest form of therapy there is. Common exchange releases a lot of common illnesses in us. Yogic postures for people who refuse to change. Adano explains the Lion Pose, sticking your tongue out. Children wanting recognition all the time. They don’t have an alternative to seeing this recognition. Parents can’t let them get away with it. Adano helps a woman with her child’s trauma with stomach problems. 10 What color comes to mind when you think of yourself pregnant with the boy. Blue. Can you think of any disappointment? Yes. Well that is carried over into the boy, in the pregnancy. 20 Continues to discuss the boy’s eating problem and how the solution has to start with the parents. Like a mold with a scratch like an X. All the products made by the mold also have the X. You have to fix the mold. We heal ourselves but at the same time we heal our offspring. Yogis were psychological therapists grounded in physiology. 30 Yogis did a lot of biological techniques to heal people. Martial arts - built an image of the parents and attacked the images. (gap in tape). Alcohol kept in the mouth until the enzymes break it down from stinging to tasting sweet will not affect the brain. Melissa and Adano talking while traveling. Healing is not an occupation, it’s a karmic debt that you’re working out with people. When you work with sickness, this is karmic debt. So don’t take it personally. Any other occupation you can advertise, but not therapy because you are working out karmic debts. They will find you which builds your capacity to serve. You’re a channel for the goodness that flows through you to help others. 40 Initiation establishes the frequency of the therapist: Dissolving, eliminating, strengthening, and rebuilding are frequencies because you are correcting constriction / dilation which causes these conditions to appear. (gap in tape). Consciousness is a gun, words are bullets, don’t monkey around with it unless you get hurt with it. A real therapist doesn’t talk much. He can’t have ifs, and buts, and maybes in his head. Once he finds the frequency, it’s like a machine gun. If you know your frequency is strengthening, then you use it. It doesn’t matter what the target it. I have a machine gun that will shoot it down. But you don’t worry about if they have a fortress, or an armament, or armies, the machine gun will do the job. You go to the person and hold them and strengthen the person. It isn’t you who is healing, we only act as channels for the frequencies. The fine tuning of your technique is called timing. I only touched Andy last night, I only talked to the others because they didn’t have anything I could work on. They all had trauma. They were all traumatized people. (gap in tape). There are certain things you have to keep to yourself to earn a livelihood. (gap in tape). Story about sheep with stripes and optic photography planting information in genetics of organisms. 50 God is not always working in the way people want it to be. Explanation of how the pyramids were made by sliding large rocks over sand. The sand acts like a ball bearing and the limestone slides on it. Once positioned, they remove the sand with a brush. (gap in tape). Limestone doesn’t cut with a saw. You wet the limestone and then you take papyrus, jute, or horsehair. Grease it and put fillings of sand and it can be cut. (gap in tape). Adano explains Astro-cartography. 1:00 So what did I learn? Enjoy Now because that’s all I got. The nostril that breathes is the divinity that is me and there is nobody out there to punish me for good or bad because there is no good or bad. The good or bad is my game I play with myself thinking I’m important or unimportant. When in actuality, God became me and He’s having a ball allowing me to make an ass of myself believing I’m doggone stupid or ignorant or all kind of muck-up. And all He did tell me from the start of creation, “Go forth, multiply, and have dominion, but don’t setup your franchise.” So multiply means produce yourself as much as you want - trillions upon trillions of times, have dominion - play the game of running the show, but don’t hang on to nothing. So oh boy, is that a game? (somebody says, “It’s all a show.”) Yeah, and when you live it out by going through it, He says “Here, keep your suit. Don’t trade it back in. I don’t need it. It’s already yours.” You can modify it, make it look male, female, skinny, young, fat, or aged, but it’s all here. Permanent suit, it’s called Living Soil. See I don’t have a Soul, I’m Soul, Living Soil, 144 elements in an immortal. (end of tape).

Adano00_AtBettysConversationsQ4NW3 - Sounds like Adano & Melissa traveling at beginning of tape, Trauma is a verbalization of something in the brain. Delta - to release trauma - yawn & shit. Accurate + Pressure - Acupressure. Yawning is a suction. Delta makes you tired because you think you have to be tired in that state since it usually happens when you are sleeping. (gap in tape). Discussion of working for oneself. 10 Credit cards vs. debit cards. Future forms of currency (US postage stamps). Post office and banks will merge to eliminate fraud. 20 Adano talks about currency in the future using checks and thumbprints. Quitting smoking by smoking all cigarettes in a day during mid-day. Cigarette points on ear. Take three balloons and put their faces on the balloons and then pop the balloons. The cigarette is a dependency pattern. Sticking the tongue out helps. 30 Yoga took postures from animals and are the rules to make you healthy. Disciple means learning how to be healthy. The Lion pose is to build strength like the lion. Meaning of names Bobby May = he may or may not do. Bobby = Baby. The word Joe is a “buddy buddy” word, friends with everybody. More discussion about names: Adano = I dunno. What is a neutral name? 40 William = William the Conqueror (came to Adano’s clinic years before). Liz Metrik and Harry - if she goes by Elizabeth, they are equal. He is a “hairy” experience. Adano says that he “harries” Liz. Harold of Hastings went to Normandy to recruit the aid of William, Duke of Normandy, to reclaim his land in England. A monk told Harold he needed a better name. William helped him reclaim his land. The last battle Harold refused to recognize William as his partner. So they had a argument and Harold took off to the land of Hastings. They had a confrontation. Long story short, Harold gets shot in the eye and William declares him King of England, “This land is ours.” This was because Harold would not pay William for his help. 50 Harold has two meanings: Harry=hurry and it doesn’t have stability. It is somebody who constantly harasses you. Herald = to bring in good news. Saint Francis of Rome - She is the Patron Saint of all drivers. Dropped Saint Christopher because the church did not think he was a real guy. Russell means to russell up, to be active. The American Indians don’t give a name until the child is 13 years old. Then the child goes out for 24 hours and comes back with a name. Adano tells the story of a boy Adano knew that came back with a grey eagle feather from an eagle he tracked that was molting and he was called Grey Eagle. He ended up taking care of the family’s sheep. Yogini = Female unified consciousness (vs masculine Yogi). English does not have masculine and feminine because it started out as a dialect and evolved into a language, which is its advantage over other languages.

Adano00_BiosonicsTonesQ5 - Guy Manners speaking for a minute “sound is the basis for form and shape.” and the rest are tones from the Biosonics video.

Adano00_ChantsRamDasQ3NW3 - First eight minutes are Adano Chanting: Thou Art My Life, Who Is In My Temple, I Am the Bubble Make Me the Sea, Elemental Song, Door of My Heart, Listen to My Heart Song, and Happiness Runs a Circular Motion. The rest is not Adano chanting.

Adano00_ConceptsofA77Q1NW4 - Rest is timelessness. That is the meaning for the word rest. God is the eternal principle or creative energy is in the timeless state after performing everything that there is to perform in a time state called creation. Creation exists in time. Now, there really is no time as an actual principle. There is the illusion of time in which creation must exist or appear to exist. Now, in this appearance, a unit of time is the distance light crosses the width of an electron, giving its potentiality as a creation. There really is no thing called time. The only that exists is infinite motion to the highest degree of ultrasonic movement. The creator is audible life energy. He spoke before he became the light. It’s not a person, it’s a principle. “Let there be light.” Audible life current that is inside our own bodies. There is music inside of us. He who can see the lord in human form has seen Him at his best. Everything in this relative world is synchronized to time. The audible life current is that pure essence that exists in timelessness. It grants permission to its lower nature, Kal, the time cycle, to make a creation. God is a Sagittarian in opposition to Scorpio in the astrological belt. No matter how Scorpio tries, he cannot overrun Sagittarius. We are Beings of Light. The whole universe started in the sign of Sagittarius. It is the only symbol that is man and animal and the only symbol that is armed to protect itself. It must have the power of life over death. The bow and the arrow is the justice point, the self destructive principle, but at the same time upholding the law. Scorpio can only sting itself or kill you. It can be destroyed by the Sagittarian. Man brought his religion from the galaxies. Alpha Centuri is the galactic center and the Cosmic Life Force is vibrating there. “The word IS god” that makes all the difference when John wrote his works. So man doesn’t search for his soul, man IS soul. 10 You can’t take out the ideations of existence out of the universe, though you can change their atomic change. Even Jesus could not enforce a dictatorial dominance over the universe. He had to work by divine will, he therefore was at the right place, at the right time, for the right confrontation at the wedding. The role of the soul living in a time cycle that knows no boundary lines save love. The master obeys the law, but he shows by his love that the law has no control over him. All that time asks us is to face your obligations, no avoiding them. The highest form of therapy for a schizophrenic individual is to fight back. “Mother, I would rather do it myself.” So involvement is the key word in spiritual growth. Realize your involvement because you are alive and you have a commitment to yourself to face the time cycles and their repercussions. We do not have to reincarnate, we have to resurrect. (question from the audience) Jesus had to be asked. No master will usurp that right though he has the power to crystallize thought because he would be exhibiting his ego. Ego is best recognized as hurrying to do something too fast without waiting for the Lord’s dispensation. Watch out and don’t eat your words back by being in a hurry. “I ain’t gonna do this no more.” What do they end up doing the next half hour? Creative intelligence makes us realize that our ego is locked into the time cycle and the time cycle is going to throw us the confrontation immediately to make us face it to eat our own words. So if you are not in a hurry, sooner or later you are going to get the experience. Everything Jesus did could have been done in 24 hours. He was not in a hurry. A Master does not alter the thought patterns of people who don’t want to be altered. That setup their own ego and block it. He works with those who are humble and those who are receptive and karmically linked because He Himself is Divine Love without coercion. He’s unconditional love. Therefore He wouldn’t use the person for His personal gain. He has no gain to have by performing a miracle because there is no miracle to perform. He brings their desires into focus by responding to the time cycle when that desire is supposed to crystallize for them. He knows exactly that split second when it was gonna happen. And if you live the spiritual life you’ll notice the spiritual life is photo finish most of the time. Now I’m talking from experiences now. Those photo finishes I love you. Adano sings the “photo finish” song. “How I love you, how I love you, my dear old photo finish.” But you see photo finish is good.

Adano00_ElPasoQ4NW1 - (Very bad tape). Biorhythms. Rule #1 don’t panic, rule #2 don’t panic, rule #3 don’t panic. Who I am will kill me if I panic because I will think I will be saved, go to heaven and that bull. “What I am” saved me more than who. What I am is that I am atoms in the form of a tissue mechanism and if it don’t breath, they bury it and if it does breath it stays alive regardless of going to hell or heaven. You gotta breath and who the hell would wait for a dead man to show up to torment him. Up your right nostril is god or brother Jesus, up your left nostril is Satan or Lucifer, in the middle is you, this piece of skin. (Ginger laughing). Looking objectively at the sperm getting to the ovum as being a winner. The rich man can’t own or possess or own anything. (Gap in tape. “This is Sunday.”). Solar class discussion of basic minerals. (Gap in tape) 10 More discussion of basic minerals and carbon dioxide being both conserving and breaking down. Host and monitor elements. (Gap in tape) Cooperative and non cooperative guest elements. 18:40 Putting food in at the right time (or blessing it) to avoid the consequences of breakdown. Blessing it is a compensatory action, don’t rely on it all the time, blessing food is only good 24 hours. (Gap in tape) 20 Prunes have iron to give you pep to do work and potassium to get you to go to the bathroom. Iron is of value to the tummy in the morning. Spinach, eggplant, rhubarb, grapes have iron in the midday. Beets for iron at night. 30 Tomatoes that grow on trees good with avocado, but not before 11 AM. 40 Gall bladder flush. Watercress and rice gives all 12 minerals. Do not cook things in aluminum, beer is not cooked in the can so this is ok.

Adano00_Flagstaff_DiscussionQ3NW1 - Jesus was a Jew and the servant was a Greek, so the man didn’t want Jesus to come to his house. “If you but say the word, my servant will be well.” The subtle function of physics tells what is going on. “Not in all Israel have I seen such faith. Go, it’s done.” Not in all the reality of the “is-ness” state have there been any form that breathes in the unified field that generates a conviction to the source of its origin until now to confront the Christ principle locked up in form as a request to insulate it against the feedback of the five senses of the sick person that is going to be imposed or abused or criticized by the surrounding community. Here you ask this shaman to come to your house. All these are interplays of the biological fears. When we get down to the atomic physics, we get to the core, “go, it’s done.” This is kinesiology right now. He is healing another individual at a distance by the command. At the atomic level, the servant is healed because he relates to his winning ness principle. The time lapse of the love has no limitation between forms. Pain is a necessary ingredient to stimulate respect and immunity. (Gap in tape). 10 God is a humorous kind of fellow. One person said to me a long time ago, “we only meditate on God as man, you mean there is no female part of God?” Yes, God is mother too, its a “her,” its not a “ME.” He didn’t say “come let ME make man,” he said “come let US make man.” So there is a father / mother God you see? It is only we who have been educated in this part of the world that think of God as father all the time. We totally ignore that God is both principles. You cannot have a creation with out both principles in it. The male / female or the positive / negative or the passive / active principle. So the scripture is accurate when it says, “come let US make man.” The word US is plural and man is a dualistic force of positive and negative, male / female, “male and female created them.” We have the male man and the female man. “And God breathed into man the breath of life and man became living soul.” But man is the atom, that is the image we are made in. So we say “Adam” or “Atom,” the proton or protean man. But a proton is only a part of the atom, there is one part that is constantly spinning out. Scriptures are very symbolic language. The rib of Adam is Eve, which is the electron. When you split the atom, you see the rib action. The orbital pattern of the electron spins around the proton to form the atom. And we don’t live in an atmosphere, we live in an atom-sphere. We are an image, this physical frame is an actual image of the cosmic sound and light called God, pure light. Sound and light are the two forces. Light is the passive force and sound is the active force. So God the Father is the active force. The proton always carries the sound in it and the electron carries the light in it. This the yin / yang of the Chinese philosophy too. God is pure light or pure life, which is the neutron which splits in the atom. God is in his creation. The neutron triggers intelligibility in other forms of life to recognize this relationship. The god is me loves the god in you. God has become all. The neutron is in all of us. When you meditate, you look at the point between the eyebrows. The light is shining in the darkness, the desire nature, the cohesive function of the atom. “But the darkness comprehends it not.” Within this cohesive force, there is no comprehension going on, only observation. You are also doubting me, which is the darkness. The part that doubts what it hears, Satan, the adversary, the centripetal energy. When the atom is split, something has gone someplace. If you split six pounds of material, only 5.5 ounces are left. How did it get out of the container? We sing a chant, “who is in my temple? All the doors do open themselves (endocrine glands). All the lights do light themselves (the energy inside). Darkness like a dark bird, flies away.” You are triggering by meditation an atomic reaction in your spinal column, starting the process of spiritual evolution or spiritual expansion, speeding up your spiritual growth. Meditation is to help you realize God all the time, that He is inside of you, not outside of you. The process is to center. 20 Darkness comprehends it now. “But let the light so shine before men.” Shining with the exact replica of you. “You see Me, you see the Father.” That is breaking through from the electron level to the proton level, from the light level to the sound level. You will hear the actual sound the proton is making now. The waves are music set to the octave. The whole universe is a musical octave. In the octave, you begin to realize the Christ or the “sun” of god, the true light of god embodied in the proton, there is where the sound current goes on, the true kernel of your nature. Realization is the whole journey and it has to be inside the human body. There are two lessons, humility through ethical living. Two, the transformation of the animal body, the decaying body, to the non-decaying body that can dematerialize / materialize by divine law, like the caterpillar to the butterfly that never breaks down. To him that overcometh, I will make you a fixture in the house of the lord, an expression of this reality. When this body has thrown off corruption, it is a glory unto the lord. When we drop off the relationship of the electron and become involved with the proton itself, we begin to transform the body itself. Protein comes from the sun. Man used to draw the energy of the mechanism through the medulla oblongata. Man had that ability at one time but then he got engrossed with the electron. Man’s body is composed of 16 elements. The atomic physics will verify how many times man has fallen from the protonic nature. As we travel into space, we will produce bodies with less and less minerals in the body. The more we change our environment, the more this body will depend on direct energy and less on solids and liquids. Between teenager to 40 or 50 is the gorge period, but after that it is tapering off. You ever try keeping up with a baby? Their protonic energy is active. The meditation is a technique and a process, not a goal, specially designed for the purpose of conservation of this energy. The advanced approach of conservation is to learn to appreciate solitude and inactivity, so that the body will have a chance to recycles / recharge / revitalize itself. We do this when we are asleep. The waking up is a reinforced thought pattern of getting up. We are far more tired when we are asleep. The spurt of energy comes from having to go to work, etc. 30 The disciples were criticized for falling asleep when they were meditating. The bodily structure wanted to taper off. We don’t have to repeat the mistakes they made, we can utilize the feeling of waking up from sleep, and transfer this into a conscious sleep. So you are going to consciously close the eyes and consciously relive the feeling of waking up. You want to try it? Adano leads them through an exercise. 32 Put your feet together with the toes touching each other standing up. Turn the hands the way the feet are, turned out. Elbows into the side. Hold it for a count of 50. Enjoy. You feel loose and limber now? Hold the position until the hurting sensation ceases. It hurts because you are conscious. This is very spiritual. Adano leads a meditation now. (Gap in tape). Adano tells a story of a woman with several degrees who is a waitress. Maybe someday when she’s ready to move on to be her own boss, then all those labels will be her presentation for her ability to run her own business. Now she has two kids who are almost 18 now. That is what Adano calls “low profile attitude.” It’s amazing, some people know how to do it naturally. Adano comments on a woodpecker and proper attitudes toward animals.

Adano00_FlagstaffQ2NW3 - Meditation, giving thanks for enlightenment and unfoldment. The audible life stream has become you. Hearing the music and knowing it has become you. 20 Thank you. Any questions? Question: Would you talk about realization, what it means? Adano: In the early stages of understanding, most of us try to get to a state where we think we know and will never be ignorant anymore. This craving is what the eastern people call your delusion. You will continue to feed the fire of the craving to be deluded, but you will arrive at some preposterous, unimaginable place in your awareness thinking you know all there is to know. When it actuality, realization is the acceptance that god became you. According to Paul, after many years of his own internal searching and many unusual experiences over the control of the environments by his thoughts, he discovered how deluded he was and made this remark. “I rebuke you in your rejoicing for I live and die daily in the lord.” Hence he left the room and went to work to be a tent maker and lived for the moment of now by being very practical every moment. Even when he died by giving up his life for his fellow man, he demonstrated the fruit of the spirit instead of the gift of the spirit. The gift is the miraculous power and the tremendous desire to think you know you know. The fruit of the spirit is the understanding that god became you and you cannot become him. Therefore every moment of the now, you are god in motion. You are not a god, you’ll never become a god, but you are totally satisfied that god became you. Come let US make man, that is sonics and optics united to make a manifestation with a polaristic process locked up in it. Every moment you accept that realization, you will discover one fact about yourself, you can only live what you say to yourself. You can’t take a bath in a blueprint bathtub. Therefore realization is not thinking to become, it is not a blueprint, it is an experiment with yourself. All I can see here is reproductions of self. Love the lord with all your mind, strength, and soul. 30 This marvelous temple is made up of 144 elements and everything else is made up of the same. Love your neighbors AS yourself. Once you let go of the feeling to insulate, that is when the rapport, the unification, and the intensity begins. You feel it like a tingling sensation. The more conscious you are of the tingling sensation, the more you begin to see the whole spirit (Holy Spirit), kundalini, pentecostal, slain in the spirit. You are unfolding in the energy field, biokinesis. Conscious recognition of it. If you look for the simple in the moment to moment, it will always be miraculous. If you keep looking for the miraculous, it may only occur once before you pass out of the body. In the structure of your nature, you have rates of acceleration of your brain representing states of consciousness. Oxygen is the only gas that produces the phenomenon of consciousness. Beta = photographic focusing, eyes are like a camera. Alpha = slowing down the lens, becoming more geometrically specific and not hazy. Selectivity synchronizes to purpose and is very exact. “A man is as good as his word.” Forced to live your thoughts or they will slam back in your face. 40 Theta = the geometry plays with unfinished actions. We never can finish all our actions, there is always a little left over because we are an organism that must live for tomorrow. Futuristic confrontation. This is the basis of attachment and the cause of all suffering. There we call the dream state. It is necessary to motivate you. You have to program it to replay. Theta is the reservoir of the unfinished dreams in terms of geometry. Delta = the dreamless state, where all geometry disappears in your head. It is blank. Peace that passes understanding. No more verbalization or analysis to describe it to yourself. But that blank is not an end. An end would generate geometry. That blank or peace is a competency or strength. “The peace I give, the world don’t give.” A biodynamic resonance that doesn’t have a geometry, but has a vibrancy. The highest yoga is (Adano stands on his two feet and walks). God is for the living, not for the dead. The movie called Cocoon, fixated and liberated individuals. Even after he buries her, he still won’t accept liberation. (gap in tape). It is a matter of accepting the christ nature in yourself. As you recognize it, you can exercise it. It has to do with your right to be a being. (gap in tape) 50 Question about the apples decomposing. Adano: First is moldy and powdery and that is the eliminative principle. “Creativity energy flowing though me will eliminate all those conditions that interfere with the normal and harmonious flow of the individual.” If it retains a little fluid / shriveled up is the dissolving principle. Dried up hard, no powder, no water, that is the strengthening effect. If it remains firm for a whole year and it doesn’t collapse, it doesn’t shrink, turn powder or watery, that is the rebuilder. Beta = eliminative, alpha = dissolving, theta = strengthening, delta = rebuilding, omega = apple grows, avatar, descent of god into flesh. Seeing at versus seeing through (looking at the subatomic particles). It has to do with focusing. Questions: Is there a particular meditation for each state of the apple. Adano: Meditation is a biological two way communication between the external geometry of the eyes and the internal geometry of the eyes. You have to sit back and listen. The program is already passing through the cells in the four different speeds, so just sit down and enjoy the show. You are the audience. “Man must appreciate that he is a witness.” 1:00 Close the eyes and watch. Then the levels will start unfolding. You will see the beta / powdery effect, then alpha where your eyes get watery, then theta where you are dreaming that Dracula is biting you, then delta where you enjoy the movie to the full extent, that is the rebuilding effect. Then if you decide you want to start your own movie, that is omega. Then you are living with it for the first time, no guilt or fear or frustration or making up for mistakes. The real anguish is if you think to stay something and it happens, you think you caused it. In actuality, you have lined up the brain to the unified field. E=mc2. You better not think or say more and you keep your mouth shut. And you enjoy living in the world in a simple, rational, humble way. Ability to be practical moment to moment is the test. The next test is how immune is he, that tell us how divine. If the saint and the sinner get the same disease, then there is something wrong in their practice. 1:10 He is not practicing meditation, he is living meditation, but you have to start someplace, so you sit down and watch and use a respiratory function to shift gears and observe. You will experience the sonic resonance and elation of the mechanism due to healthiness. You can live more objectively. The timing becomes obvious to you to act. It is not how smart you are, it is how soon you get through the gate of heaven before it close. It is timing. The summary of the meditative process is the timing of the daily events in your life, regardless if you close your eyes, is the evidence that creative intelligence is directing your survival. Then you are living meditation. Whatever you do will be synchronized to the time to be practical. When is the appropriate time to act. The wise man learns to function with the timing. Once you begin to focus that way, the moments of time will allow you to act.

Adano00_Hoovering1Q4 - All Cymatics sounds.

Adano00_Hoovering2Q4 - All Cymatics sounds.

Adano00_IMEBEQ1NW1 - Pain is essential to develop immunity. If you never had a confrontation, there is no way for immunity to develop. The highest process is to go through it. Pickup your cross and follow me. Each person experiences their own Scope of the Horror and not to be afraid of it, overcoming the unconsciousness of it. You can’t become unconscious of the Me in you. The I is constantly reminded by the Me because Be will always be there presenting the bill to I and Me is the bill. So, for that reason, we gain this by the process of going through. When there is no more Me to clean up, would Be be satisfied? Be will not be satisfied, because Be itself would be bored and start again creating an I to give it freedom to generate a use for Me. Me would emerge again from the Be. Come let us make Man in our own Image and Likeness. Be cannot stay stagnant or non-active. Even if it creates I as a form of expression of itself with individuality and complete freedom to squander its existence. Be will forced to generate another Me. There is no way for you to be unconsciousness, non-existing, or non-immortal. When you lock into the immortal ness of yourself, in the I-state, Me-state, or Be-state you are unified, free men or lord of yourself. Health is Be - I - Me. You call it I-Beam, so you light up. Dreams are misfiled data and reruns of Me. I and Be are busy talking to each other in your sleep. The Me is sleeping. Me responds because Be uses it to confront I. Be stores Me and stores I and I has no place to operate in without Be. I could not come out into existence before Be. For that reason, Me is already existing with I and both are stored in Be. Then Be is greater than I and greater than Me, but Be is totally helpless without I and the Me operating in it, even though it stores it, Be would be useless and serve no purpose. Therefore, Be craves exchange and interaction between I and Me. Which needs your Love? Be. 10 Listen, Listen to my heart song. It is Be that sings the song and guarantees the assurance to I that the Me principle is there to back it up. But never I is going to sing to Be. I can forsake Be, but Be cannot let down I. The heart is neutral, the I is the upper part from the cervical to the top of the head. The Me goes from the Lumbar to the Sacral to the Coccyx. The Be is the heart in the center. The real love of God is the healthiness of your Beingness. I breathe, therefore I am. I relate, therefore I retain. I share, therefore I am everything. Then your creativity starts to flow, Be is creativity / self-sustaining. God isn’t punching no clock, he is punching customers. And he is resting one day a week. Solar Nutrition - The fifth rule is “Live to eat in order to live not to eat.” Three score ten is the natural timing for the breatharian transformation. God has individualistic emancipation of society. Each person has their own horoscope. In one lifespan, there are three periods of development in each lifespan. 30-35, 45-65, and 85-95. 20 Abstain, injury situation, or natural progression. The natural progression process is for everybody. There is not other great or glorious contribution to the Creative Self than to live in synchronous harmony with it. I, Me, Be makes more sense living in the Now. 30 When all else fails, follow the instructions. The Garden of Eden is more of a focal point of behavior of Man. It is allegorical. Man had to make the “make the mistake.” All life forms have a blood type as a reminder process to interact. Macrobiotics found that the chemistry is 80 / 20 to be normal and flowing on time. We don’t have years, we have revolutions, so you are endless and youthful all the time, like the movie Cocoon. Intrinsically you are atomic mass utilizing a tissue fold to interact. You are always living in the now with newer, better opportunity of exploring. Andy and Mary (Chief War Eagle), Andy used to say “Life is simple, but difficult to apply.” No one can see through your clumsiness. You have to work out your own clumsiness. Rule number 1, don’t panic, rule number 2, don’t panic, rule number 3, don’t panic. Just keep muddling your way through. 40 Discussion between people in the room.

Adano00_InvolvementEmergenceQ3NW1 - The inner eye has to be open to understand beingness acting on consciousness and beingness acting on beingness. Now we as human beings can bring ourselves up to the Christ state, or the Master state. We must attain masterhood. We have to attain this state, “none come unto the father but by me.” We all have to come to that state of development. Then from that state inward, it is God himself, the Creative Intelligence, that pulls us up. We have a physical lift from the body itself and you may find yourself lifting off the ground going through these states or you may see internally how the electrical structure is developed and you go into what is called Moksha or liberation. But this is internal, one can’t see this on a physical level, one has to see this on the extrasensory level. You begin to feel the body tingling and you don’t crave solids and liquids as much. These are the outward symptoms of the change. A surely of consciousness permeates you. Because the ethical life has to develop before arriving at consciousness acting on consciousness. You judge your spiritual development by the length of time the peace remains with you in a conscious state. When it remains 24 / 7 / 365, you have reached the Christ state. 10 Question: The the Soul leave the body at different times? Answer: Man is Soul, he doesn’t have a Soul. The chemical form breaks down, the electrical and causal (ideational) forms remains. The link breaks after 72 hours. Nobody is changed by Christ, they have to make the decision inside. Adano tells story about the man in Canada who was locked up for drugs. It was imposed on him by society to put him in a dungeon. He decided to pray. He eventually gets out after 21 days because he prays for forgiveness. He sees a light come into the room and a voice “none come unto the father but by me.” The Christ radiated his light into him. His finger prints have changed have this so they cannot prosecute him. Christ met him at the halfway mark. No matter how far you go, you have to make the turnaround. It might be dramatic or subtle, through love. Story of Saint Paul and his conversion. 20 “Saul, Saul, why doest thou persecute me?” He was doing it with mental remorse. He had internal conflicts in his subconscious mind. Story about Adano falling off the building and the physical body lying there with the electrical / ideational part went out into time and space. “If this is death, I enjoy it. There is nothing to be afraid of. I and my Father are one.” The Divine Consciousness told him to go back to teach people how to deal with pain. 30 Doctor having to take a different elevator and running into Adano dying on the table and saving his life. God acting through the doctors to have somebody who knew how to help Adano run into him. We have the right to live each moment and have divine life pull us out. Adano saw himself in oneness with everything, God is the Oneness, all the Realized Masters were there and made him realize that he was one with God. He only heard “you and I are one.” But can I stay here? But the Consciousness said “no, you must go back.” So then I accepted this, the first rule of the Consciousness, living by divine will. So the test is to go back into the body, that was his choice. If he chose not to go back, only he would suffer, not divine intelligence. 40 (Gap in tape) A Master is not trapped in the lower levels of consciousness. He can get out by remembering one basic truth. “He that does the will of the Lord is my brother and sister. And he that follows in My word is My disciple.” Following the words of the Master binds us to him through all the levels of creation. We hold back the Divine Principle by avoidance. You sense that your existence is eternal, but you are afraid something will be lost in you if you die. But the strange thing is that when you go to sleep, you do not know if you are a man or a woman. Where have you gone in consciousness? When you terminate physical existence, you don’t have continuity of memory, you must reincarnate. It is the last desires that carry over to the next life. 50 You have been cheated of fulfilling your desire when you still have the desire in a baby’s body. The whole mind is in turmoil. How do we free ourselves? It takes a Realized Person to enter your consciousness and raise you to the point where you can see this correction. The christ intelligence does this in a realized person. It becomes active at the last moment in the mechanism. There we can generate the consciousness to lock into your consciousness and release you of the desire. The Realized person whispers in the dying person’s right ear, “The check did not bounce and everything is ok and the Christ in me loves the Christ in you.” Helping the individual pass over in consciousness. 1:00 Adano shouting “who is dying!” to get his consciousness moving. The doctor’s had been saying that he was going to die, the bickering made Adano “over involved in weakness and over involved in strength.” So say positive things in the presence of dying people. Find out what they are holding onto and help them break free of those desires. We can help the individual in these critical moments to break free. Taking full stock of what we are involved with and getting some sense of direction. Jesus saying “you can’t be for me and for mammon.” (gap in tape). Jesus going to the seashore when he got too “bogged down” by people. 1:10 Divine will is to recognize that “you are always at the right place, at the right time, for the right experience.” No experience is good or bad, but an opportunity to test your behavior. An opportunity to test your attitude that this experience is neither good nor bad. There is only one way to behave, that is to love. (end of Satsang, clapping). Questions and answers. How does man know if he is raising his consciousness. Adano goes through the levels: energy acting on matter. The light shining in the brain. (but the darkness comprehends it not). 1:20 Freshen up with vital consciousness. Energy acting on energy. The saliva will taste like honey / nectar which descends from the brain. Consciousness acting on energy. You can move physical objects with your consciousness. The time cycle responds to you. Story about Jesus turning water into wine. The craving of Mary was strong to have her son do something to impress. She tells the servants “do what he tells you.” The atmosphere is set with desire. If he had the desire, he would have brought wine, but instead he is satisfying the mother’s wish, but still admonishing her behavior.

Adano00_Prismer_Modified -

Adano00_Prismer_Regular -

Adano00_Prismer_Simultaneous -

Adano00_Prismer_SlowOvum -

Adano00_Prismer_SlowSperm -

Adano00_Psalm4ChantsQ3NW2 - Adano explains Psalm 4. Brain emits full potential when eyes are 1/2 open 1/2 closed. “Salvation belong unto the lord.” Darshan radiates so much love, that 5000 people can be immobilized by the love / spiritualized. They feel like their vitality is going out of them. “Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness!” That means that the consciousness now responds with attunement when we utilize the right law of meditation. “Thou has enlarged me when I was in distress.” Consciousness expanded when negative thought patterns were trying to take over. We don’t know what will happen when we start meditation. Cold sweats, pounding in my head, trembling, being pulled by the hair roots. When we are partially doubtful and partially calm, so they are afraid to continue and they avoid. David is showing how we should respond in this condition inside, 1/2 restless and 1/2 calm. “Hear me when I call.” Let me feel that the contact of the inner peace is flowing through me. My consciousness expanded beyond the negative pull when I began to meditate. “Have mercy on me and hear my prayer.” Let this conscious flow through me so I am competent to handle it and I know without doubt everything is working as it should. This is confirmation that the symptoms that are occurring in us in meditation are real. “Oh ye sons of man, how long will you turn my vanity into shame.” 10 The consciousness is saying: How long will you go on doubting the possibilities of the experience being genuine and what you think is happening to you is partial and not the real thing. You will try to accept partially, doubting. “Oh ye sons of men.” Higher consciousness is talking to egos. “How long will you love vanity,” the unrealistic thought patterns. They are not real, they are like show. How long will you try to seek after temporary conditions are not permanent. All the symptoms of cosmic conscious or god awareness are identical like sickness. There is a difference. Sickness is permanently there, creating a disturbance in your cells. In cosmic consciousness, you have an experience of it knowing that you are master of it. It doesn’t affect, you transcend. “Stand in awe.” Accept yourself and be it (cosmic consciousness). Don’t deviate, stick to the path, this is the discipline. 20 You really trust the lord when you are sound asleep. The bed is a sacred spot. Be still as if you were sound asleep. The initiate accepts and lives it out. He doesn’t run from his environment. “Offer the sacrifice of righteousness.” Send up the thought “Father, I love you.” You don’t even know what he looks like and you love him. You have to make that particular attempt to turn you on inside. You have to trust the vital life power coming up your spine, kundalini. The science of the souls is very specific. The Psalms show you how to relate and make it work for yourself. Now we have covered the two types of people that exist, we covered the relationship of the government and the system that we exist in, these are in the first two Psalms. In the third Psalm we see now the head of the government has to find inner communion to offset the harassment that we call modern day lobbyism. So we are moving on now to man’s happiness is in god’s favor. How can inner consciousness gain contentment by total awareness, that’s god’s favor. The mind is not evaluating in terms of compassion, mercy, and grace, but only in terms of the insecurity. You can’t live without relating to a higher part of your being as a supporting force within you. The man of spirituality is known by the fruit of his consciousness and his inner peace. Joy comes from within, not from without. One can have a bumper crop and still be discontent, but the joy you feel everyday is entirely different. It spreads out through your entire being and it starts in the heart center. There you hear the bells ringing inside, when the heart chakra opens up. 30 If the huge mastodons were here, what would have happened? They would have kept multiplying. Nature has a way of maintaining the balance. “The meek will inherit the earth.” Who will survive? The strong, or the weak, or the meek? It’s the meek. The humble, attuned, synchronized to live itself is the meek, and he survives. He is accepting divine law. We are not here to run from the world, we are here to live in it. But only by living it can we understand it and understanding is the highest thing you should get if you are going to get anything out of spirituality. You can’t carry riches to the grave. Death is a condition, if you understand it, you surpass it. Death is your last opposition. So are supposed to be free, in charge of this mechanism. Pituitary is the mental microphone of the mind. Broadcast, “father I love you.” This is the greatest mantra. Real meditation is a flow of love. 40 Total consciousness does not entertain negative living. It will fall apart. Jesus says “call no man fool.” There must be a reason for this, a karmic debt. Clown is a different thing. When you say a man is a fool, that is a different thing, you are cutting the very vital life principle, representing the creator, and addressing the creator as a fool. The consciousness cannot stand the fact of destruction by its own volition. Though it has the desire to destroy itself at times, but even then it cannot stand the fact because it is committed to repeat the principle all over to test itself. It will have to go through the process of learning again. It has to come back in another body form to learn out the mistake of killing itself. When we look at ourselves, to be happy, it must come from inside. 45 Chanting begins for the rest of the tape.

Adano00_RebirthingGuidedMeditationQ3NW3 - Adano guides the group through letting go of birth trauma through color recycling, “first month, second month, third, fourth, fifth, six, seventh, eighth, ninth, the doctors are working, cutting the cord, and you are breathing in pure joy through your lungs.” Black, grey, etc. indigo, violet, then changing into white light. “Like a fog off the brain, light a weight of the chest, shoulders, etc. All through the toes, ankles, calves, kneecaps, thigh, hips, waist, chest, shoulders, necks, arms, top of the skull, the whole body is feeling the joy coming up.” Yawning. “You are the breath. You are not the body, you are the breath in and around the body, coming in and going out.” 10 Yawn. Feeling freedom. Yawn. Equi-flowing now. Feel your oneness with the breath, existence, conscious, joy. Energy is equal to the mass times the velocity of light squared. You are one with the chair, the floor, your breath, the entire room, the environment. Every sound becoming one and you are the container. Feel it coming up the spine. 20 Adano tells Bill Lockridge from El Paso that he was very steady. Modern man needs the equal flow because he is constantly driving vehicles and put into the survival decision making, so he needs the living in the now more than the agricultural man. 27 (gap in tape) Feel the air around your skin. That air blowing against your skin is creative love, sustaining the universe. Within that air there are many gases and they all have different fragrances. Only one sustains the consciousness and all the other accentuate our quality. The more you feel the warmth of the air, the more the love is intensified in your body. Feel all the texture of the skin relaxing, absorbing and nourishing itself from the air. You are nourished directly throughout the entire surface of the body. (meditation follows). Between you and the realized ones, the feeling of the air on the surface of your body. 40 (still meditating). 53 Yukteswar says, “get up and sweep the floor.” You can get lost in the drunkenness of peace. The joy of now, but the more you recognize it from your saliva, the more you are actually living on that ambrosia. That’s why the ancient Greek gods lived on ambrosia and nectar, Mount Olympus is right here (probably pointing at the point between the eyebrows). This principle is flowing up in the saliva and oxygen that comes in to activate the whole form is the catalyst and the tongue that is designed for resonance of sonics is the bridge between the gas and the biological chemistry setting up the flavor in the mouth. Moving the tongue around the mouth releases the enzymes. You can tap into the enzymic process in the body and have the cells replenish themselves in the conscious level instead of the unconscious level of sleep. It is basically within the whole organism, but we don’t look at it this way. When we understand it, we have access to the reservoir of all the truths that the ancient people were trying to teach.

Adano00_Solar1Q4NW1 - (must be in the 1980s because Melissa is talking around 15 minute mark.) Blood types and learning to cope with them. Put protein in first. Middle of the day, beans and rice are a complete protein. Seeds: sunflower, sesame, pumpkin. Type B or O have a piece of beef or lamb (less toxic). A little apple cider vinegar to reduce toxicity or a little wine (for the stomach’s sake). The brain does its own self alignment through the silence level between 3-5 AM since the Earth exposure to Cosmic Rays before dawn. 10 Monotone (color) environment to slow you down and cope with routine better. Husband as confrontation reminder for the father. You can’t tell Dad off because he pays the rent. Necessity is the mother of invention, the daughter is boredom. 20 80% alkaline, 20% acid. If you use a flesh product, always get some malic acid in your system to phase / flush out uric acids. Two teaspoons apple cider vinegar, two teaspoons honey, 8 oz distilled water. Drink two glasses per day. This allows you to be safe from the effects of the uric acid in tissue. Dextrinized bread doesn’t make you tired. 30 Ghee made from heating butter and separating it. Two types of cholesterol in butter: white = insulator, yellow = lubricator. Ghee is better than meat to insulate and builds up bone marrow. Story of sugar, originally beet, but British found cane easier to grow. White sugar was originally for kidney disease (India / China), the brown sugar (rock sugar) was meant for eating. Yogis discovered white sugar good for restarting kidneys. Honey is neutral. 40 Cashews should be roasted. Other uses of cashews. Coconut oil is a saturated oil, ideal for massage and cosmetics. Mix it with plantain and breadfruit and it acts like a soybean oil and doesn’t clog up your system. Cashews need to be cooked. 50 Potato should be cooked since it is nightshade family. Mushroom should not be eaten raw, can cause fungus in liver. Asparagus - cook it. Tooth therapy to keep teeth from falling out: swiss / cheddar / monterey jack, clove of garlic, slice of onion, and a little parsley. Then drink a little aloe vera juice or chew it with it.

Adano00_Solar3Q3NW2 - Trace minerals for kidney time, iodine working in both shut organs. In the middle of the day (from pumpkin seeds), at night (seaweed). Sea salt also has natural iodine. Selenium, iodine, zinc, and chromium. Zinc and chromium are in the same color spectrum with mercury and nickel. People with mercury fillings usually both people in the evening (6:30 PM). If you have a tooth problem, swiss / cheddar / monterey jack slice with clarified butter, garlic, and honey, and aloe vera and parsley. Copper affects spleen and heart. Gold / silver affects the small intestines. Arthritis comes from clogging of small intestine. If you eat meat, then put hot sake over it to take out the uric acid and reduce the arthritic condition. Marine life oils neutralizes the condition from animal fat and reduces arthritis. Aluminum is found in Alzheimer’s disease. It is also a trauma mostly for men and these are men who have been promised a retirement plan and just prior they lost it. Real mental trauma. The brain would not accept failure. Most of these people went into a shock pattern. 10 If you are focusing on a goal, then you are going to be let down. If you are focusing on the process, then you don’t worry about what happens tomorrow. 9 times out of 10, it is the person punching the clock that has the problem. The more you cater to the process you will stay healthy to take care of your obligations. The process holds up itself. The trace minerals have another condition that we need to know. Taking it in a liquid form is better than other forms. Body toddy is the most natural source. Iron and Vitamin C go together very well. Tomato juice and molasses have this combination (in the afternoon). In the trace minerals you will also find opposite the organ there is a trace mineral setup to correct a problem in that organ. Lead is opposite to the spleen in thyroid area and the spleen has arsenic so if you phase down arsenic, you would need a trace mineral containing the opposite, lead. The final food that would compensate, a nighttime food such as ginseng or fotea (sp?) that would phase down arsenic or aluminum. Your major trace mineral is iodine, so as long as you keep iodine up, the other trace minerals can’t have an effect. 20 Diabetics need to take a lot of trace minerals to stabilize, such as thyroid trace minerals. The bulk of people are hyper, not hypo, so they need something to slow down. Yogis have mastered the understanding of breath from umbilical to breathless state (not breath-free). That is the purpose of meditation, is to feel, holistically / osmotically integrating the oxygen. So they call it cosmic consciousness, able to see in all dimensions. Totally oxygenated, from head to toe, all the time by an osmotic process. Nitrogen moves the muscle, hydrogen creates the desire, nitrogen gives you the willpower to stick it out, oxygen let’s you observe it. So you observe yourself craving to stick things out. You have carbon dioxide as a residue build up. It was a value at one level and a threat at another level. It will refrigerate you and preserve you or it can over refrigerate you and traumatize you. Less air is called the breathless state, from the nostril to the skin. The trace minerals are the transporters, working osmotically under the skin. You have the 12 basic minerals, the basic geometry. Yogananda used to pray to learn to live on cosmic frequencies, less and less on the solids and liquids. 30 Fasting causes the body to breath slower and tingle. In meditation, when you close your eyes you are trying to sense cellular osmotic absorption in your body. You can feel it like a tingle. 32:22 So here we have the right to eat on time by the light, the right to eat by lunar because of the pressure, and the right to eat anytime and bless it. But don’t eat anytime and don’t bless it because it will muck you up. (Comment from a student, “But Therese Neumann knew the physics.”) The thing is this, you learn the physics not from a school or a book process. After working with your body it becomes so obvious that they puzzle, “where did you get your knowledge?” You begin to see the phenomena is working through you. Your mind begins to zero in on it and then if you want to go validate it because you suddenly discover this wealth of awareness of yourself, you will find that most of the data is written in some book, but never put down in a way to comprehend it. So they are actually experiencing that today now. Adano explains Physician - Heal thyself as “Physics I Can - Heal Self.” You are the can that contains the physics and through your I-ness you can correct the flow of these elements in the cell and the osmotic approach is the direct interaction with the timing. Timing of iodine, stored in the thyroid. 40 Spitting when you get really mad so you don’t have to swallow the enzymes. Then it will start sweeting up if you leave the mouth open and shake it up, then swallow it. We are getting more to understand the physics of ourselves. Working on people based on colors, but working on them at the right time of day. First take the age and go back. Age 35 equals 8 years, what happened at that time of life. Adano tells the story of his trauma at two years old. Individuality is god’s costume. We are the individuality as the form or geometry, and we provide this entertainment for the unified field as the breath, the unified principle. The breath is the unified principle, outside / inside as oxygen all over the place. The one that creates awareness, not intellect, consciousness is like a camera, it records and plays back. The consciousness is universal. 50 If it is occurring in a mature body, it would be more indicative in the geometry. Mediation is a means to look at the thing more maturely. The more you correct it yourself, you are operating more efficiently. You are not avoiding mistakes, situations are opportunities to learn how to make a mistake, not to make a mistake, and not to feel threatened by not or making a mistake. Freeing the mechanism from making preconceived assessments of a situation and getting locked into it. The moment you are working with determines what you are going to do. Adano explains the recent Chinese “revolution.” Then they have to discuss or a coup is the next stage. This is how the human brain is setup. 30 years to muck up, then the rest of the years are recycling years: 31 is a 4, 32 is a 5, etc. Adano tells more about his traumas a child, then falling off the building in 1955 as a way of working out early traumas. The body knows to correct itself if we allow it.

Adano00_SolarAtHoustonClinicQ1 - The first rule of Solar Nutrition is a little of anything is medicine for your system, too much is toxic. I will underline anything and toxic. And the person responsible for this statement is a guy called Confucius. The only problem with it is that a little for you is not a little for me, each person’s little is different so we can’t trust the word little, we have got to me more specific in terms of measurement. That’s how come we find out research goes on today, what “little” fits everybody. So we can’t say a little will work, we have to be more specific, if is a gram, milligram, or half a gram or whatever it is. That’s what makes it work. 2:00 The second rule, there is a time, a place, and a season for everything and I am going to underline time, place, and season. The time has to do with your health. Your whole body is regulated by time. There is no way you can get around the timing when it comes to health. What you eat and when you put it in keeps you health, but when you put it in is more important. The place also regulates your pocketbook, if you are in the wrong place you will go broke. You can do anything you like, but you won’t make it and in the right place, everybody wants to give it to you so that’s evidence of fact. So they say “go west young man” and “go east young lady.” The man goes west and he’s a cowboy and the woman goes east and she is in the chorus line. If you go north or south you may get stuck so it depends where you want to go, but that’s the place. And the season, there is no such thing as season, there are conditions of nature so zero degrees moving forward to 32 degrees is a condition called winter, 32 degrees moving forward to 75 degrees is a condition you call spring, 75 degrees moving forward to 100 degrees plus is a condition they call summer, 100 degrees plus moving backward to 75 degrees is a condition called indian summer, 75 degrees moving backward to 32 degrees is a condition they call fall / autumn, and 32 degrees moving back to zero is a condition called winter. 7:15 The third rule is “live to eat to get sick.” See, that’s nature’s way. If you don’t eat to get sick, you don’t appreciate nature. You would be very egotistical and bombastic. So nature has rules and laws designed to make you respect her. One, there is only a certain length you can stretch you leg before she will snap it. There is only a certain amount of food you can put in your tummy before she busts it. There is only a certain type of food you can put in there before you vomit it. She is very smart so she knows how to make you sick. When you like to show off and put it in and think you can outdo nature with your mind, but nature runs your body. She doesn’t give a hoot what kind of mind you got. Mind over matter, that’s a bunch of baloney. It used to work years ago, but it don’t work no more. Because why? You think you got a big mind, you are going to prove yourself and then your body lets you down and they bury you. 10 Live to eat not to get sick. Then it gets boring and you eat to get sick again. So the fifth rule is “live to eat in order to live not to eat.” A caterpillar is doing that, eating its way to a cocoon, then a creature comes out that can fly, a butterfly. “Of all the creatures that can fly, there is none more beautiful than the butterfly.” Butterflies do not rot and that principle is locked up in your body. Eating is a method to prepare you to live without eating. Because you “process” food and not “eat” it, you have to go to the bathroom. Don’t confuse the mass you put into your mouth and the mass that came out as being evidence that you ate the food. The mineral contact of the biggest food wouldn’t fit into the tip of a pinhead. You have 30 years to muck up, 30 years to clean up, then the rest of the years are yours. Three score ten is the transition time (70 years) to living on direct energy. Direct energy is sound waves which is breathing. 20 Mastodons carry their babies until they are 93 and lives 900 years, turtles live 100 years. Dinosaurs take 1,000 years to hatch. Moses took the scarab design off the walls of the pyramids. Early human left this design on the pyramid walls to remind people of their origins. The human body is a time traveler designed like a spaceship, but something was missing. It only showed the calcium distribution, but they left off the ambulators. From the top of the skull to sternum is the first layer of calcium formation (Zone 1), the second is from the sternum to the top of the pubic bone which is the lumbar region (Zone 2), and then from the lumbar to the anus or coccyx is the third (Zone 3). These regions are synchronous and Carl Jung is the first man to recognize this when he said the archetype is the pattern that sets the blueprint for the life form. You need the five requirements to stay healthy in your body: protein, carbohydrate, mineral / vitamin, liquid / water, lipid / oil. Needed for every meal in each of the three light zones. After high school you have to stand on your own two feet. From 18 - 30 years you can “muck it up,” the oriental calendar rat to the pig. 30 Each light zone must have Vitamin C and relate to the types of sicknesses. If you have a chest cold, tomatoes for lunch. Vitamin C in the morning is orange. Solar Nutrition is broken down into two functions: 21 days before the full moon = The Solar Cycle then three days before the full moon, the full moon, three days after the full moon = The Lunar Cycle. To summarize Adano: Three days before the full moon “move the clock forward” Dinner, Breakfast, Lunch. Three days after the full moon Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast. 40 “Automatic, cruise-o-matic, cleanup.” On full moon day anything goes. The reason it works is because of the pressure of the moon on the earth and you go to the bathroom quicker. The next thing you need to know is your blood type. A and AB can be 100% fiber eater, total vegetarian. B and O can be 100% tissue eater, meat eater. But nature didn’t intend us to be 100% anything. Yogananda said that he was a “proper eatarian.” To stay healthy, you have to be 80% alkaline (fiber-fruits and nuts, vegetables, grain, etc.) and 20% acid (tissue, fish, eggs, etc.). Too much of either can make you sick. The balance between the two can make you healthy. The best tissue is the lamb which has the least toxic. 50 The cow and the pig are very toxic when they are killed. The lamb’s blood before getting killed is toxic and after it is not toxic. “Lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world.” The deer is good also (for the hunter). Night time tissue is fish and egg. Male and female are worms and eggs. Male sperm is the worm and female has eggs. The egg ate the worm. A person with arthritis can eat lamb, fish, and eggs and get rid of it. You must know your blood type. Litmus (nitrazine) paper under the tongue. 6.5 to 7.5 is normal. Below 6 too acid, above 7.5 you are too alkaline. Acid person has a runny nose, full of mucus, always spitting up mucus, tongue is white and coated, hacking cough, and skin cracks with a yellow fluid coming out, and you ache. Also can have red spots on skin. Alkaline person has a pink, cracking tongue, dry cough, skin is very dry, cracks without fluid. Alkaline cancer is possible. When you are eating on time, you are alkaline. Melissa Wolf gives people a kinesis test. 60 Eating it and blessing it when you don’t know is the saving grace offered by Jesus. But when you do know, you don’t abuse it, you utilize the correct knowledge and if you have to use it outside the cycle, then you bless it. 1:05 Tape changes and Adano leaves, talking in the restaurant where they get pie. 1:10 Adano talking over breakfast to Roger Warden and a couple other people. Don’t get carried away with the positive, the negative is powerful too. Anytime you slip back into the negative, you are going to get it, full blast. If you correct the positive with your mouth, what do you think you are going to do with the negative? The days of the play is over my friend. You are a passenger no more, you are the driver. Planet earth and the sun has moved in the last 20 years around Alpha Centauri therefore what you will be saying in the next 11-12 years will be crystallizing both positive and negative, faster and faster. In 15 years, Adano will be 80 (so since Adano was born in 1924, this implies that this tape was done in 1989). It’s physics, it’s not devil, it’s laws of physics. That machine (the video tape recorder) was put together by physics. (In the video, Adano looks into the tape and looks through time.). Cooperation and doing it “their way.” Then tape changes again. nighttime now and people are talking over dinner. 1:20 Adano tells the story that he was born while his parents house was burning down. Miscellaneous conversation. Somebody chanting Nityananda Guru, Om Guru. Prismer music. Roger Warden tells the story of going to the dumpster at 3 AM and throwing away his smoking material. Adano says “What are you worried about, you don’t need it.” 1:30 (Somebody says that tomorrow they go on savings time, so the day must be April 1, 1989). More miscellaneous conversation. 1:33 What Jesus said was fact, “but the Father in me doeth everything.” That includes the thinking and your holding on to what you think you need and even what you think is your breath, that is His still. He is teaching you to be receptive and stop trying to run the show and enjoy the show, but he has given individuality and because he has done this, individuality is a freedom that allows you to kill yourself. That’s why there are only three tests, kill to eat, kill yourself if you don’t like it, or try to possess everything to be on top of everybody. That are the three tests that Jesus mastered in the desert. More miscellaneous discussion over a meal. The oxygen is pushed into us between 14.6 and 14.7 psi. The Russians and the Americans are getting ready to go to Mars so they will have to share their knowledge to do it. We have the launch power and they have the ability to keep “the internal contents” functioning better. 1:40 Big executives must have one hour twice a day in anti-stress rooms by using sound and light waves to deactivate the stress. Breath-less does not imply slow, it implies less repetition with longer pause between inhale and exhale. It is being done to you. Breath-free is not Breath-less. Breath-less is a condition of less repetition with longer pause in between. The period begins to run longer and the quantity per minute is reducing to compensate. Napoleon only breathed four times a minute. He thought it was a disease, it was an asset. But he did have some kind of problem that made him a tyrant, a dictator, imbecile, like Hitler. 1:45 God has a strange way to use a human body to make it stand out among society to mold it. We wouldn’t have England today and other parts of the world if there was no Napoleon to mold it. It would stay in a corner and hide itself, but because Napoleon came along and did lots of things and forced the Russians to be somewhat more independent, so these were necessary things. Prana Yama was the old agricultural language based on compulsive guilt. We have to move onto what it is actually doing to the human being and what was it for in the first place. 1:50 Society fools itself by trying to make everybody equal, so the process was setup for individualistic realization / freedom because the Creative Intelligence has no intention of going out of business before midnight eternity. No master answers questions for the masses, it is for the specific individual’s life frequency. It doesn’t apply to a group, only to the person asking the question. What is all the knowledge in all the books compared with 15 minutes silence in yourself. But you cannot find an S-E-L-F, it don’t exist, but you can discover 15 minutes silence, that is no electromagnetic static action in the cell. Which gives the experience of looking (Adano gives darshan), where everything is about to get transparent. And you think you are getting schizophrenic. They call it Darshan, full sight, and it is oxygen. (Adano demonstrates). Story about Yogananda going into the body of the soldier who got shot. Story about Trailanga Swami from Autobiography of a Yogi. Discussion of Prana Yama breathing. Prana means life and Yama means conscious relationship, not control. Consciously relating to the oxygen around you. Feel it, let is go through your skin and travel through your body. (train goes by with horn blowing and Adano is giving Darshan) Even the train is telling you. Now can you draw the energy of that sound into your body and feed yourself (Adano does it). That sound just gave me enough energy to go back to work without having to eat. Now you are recognizing what I am talking about. Don’t try to steal the air. Feel the oxygen on the skin. Now you notice that your breakfast has all gone out of your body. Anytime you burp you are getting rid of the traumas. Let your eyes get oxygen. Now you notice the feeling is very clear, very centered, there is no stiffness.

Adano00_SolarQ3NW1 - Iron from the prune, iron from the almonds, piece of kiwi or peach. Kiwi is higher than vitamin C than orange. Almond will bond with citrus vitamin C. These all grow in Zone 1. The organs in Zone 1 are very important, especially the lungs, the preferential organ. 3:30 You need a little acid and you need a little alkalinity to be healthy. It is not 100% acid and it’s not 100% alkaline, it is 80/20, you have to have the balance. That’s one of the emphasis of macrobiotics, the acid / alkaline tone because modern science is hammering it away because that’s what’s so obvious in the chemistry, but the time again regulates its beneficial results. The kiwi has more vitamin c than the black cherry. The kiwi and black cherry will absorb iron into the blood, but doesn’t have citric acid to phase off the mucous. Citrus phases down quicker. If you are running a race, start the race drinking apple juice for malic acid, but then the lactic acid builds up, so you have to switch into a citrus juice that will phase down the lactic acid. Adano tells the story of the runner who kept losing races until Adano told him what to switch to orange juice in the second lap of the race. The sugar content of the citrus fruit is like “high octane.” 10 I had to prove it to myself first. The minerals and vitamins are brought into the body by the fruit, especially the skins and seeds, but then it is the oil. In the morning, get the three vitamins A, B, and C (most). C is the anti-toxin vitamin. Need to know what the vitamin C is made from. Corn Vitamin C can cause a clogged up stomach. Acerola cherries (best) or rose hips are the best “preserved” vitamin C. Don’t just take the pills, has to mix with the saliva. I prefer to eat six meals a day, a small bowl of nuts, prunes, kiwi, cherries carries you through from 7-9. Then 10-12 you have orange juice as vitamin C backup, but also hormone balancers since we also run on hormones, not just food. Folgers coffee, not Maryland Club, mountain grown, one cup only with a teaspoon of Hershey’s baking cocoa and maple syrup to sweeten. These three, taken around 10 AM is the hormone balancer. Take it in at spleen time for blood sugar regulation. Spleen and pancreas are interrelated. Hyperglycemia people have high blood pressure. Get irritable at spleen time. Hypoglycemic people have low blood pressure and get sleepy at that time. Hyper type can get diabetic, hypo type can get hypoglycemic. The cocoa comes from a cocoa bean, the coffee comes from a coffee bean, when they come in contact, the caffeine has no effect when mixed with maple syrup. A heart attack is lack of oxygen. (if they die at 1 PM in the afternoon). It can also be a lack of carbon dioxide. (because of gall bladder, if they die at a quarter to 1 AM in the morning). Story about the woman who died because she was given oxygen when she had an attack in the middle of the night.

Adano00_StatementofLoveQ1NW1 - Saints and Sages of all religions. Brother Jesus, be though present and bless this meditation and open the hearts of these loved ones, free their lives from all obstacles, and bless them with the physical, mental, and spiritual unfoldment and may thy love shine in the sanctuary of their hearts. Bring them from the darkness to the light, ignorance to the truth, bondage to freedom, the impractical to the practical, the unconsciousness to the conscious. Release within them peace that passeth all understanding, Om, Shanti, peace. Repeat, Om. Adano does each 3x with people repeating after him Om coccyx, Om sacral, Om lumbar, Om dorsal, Om cervical, Om medulla, Om master, Om christ, Om master, Om medulla, Om cervical, Om dorsal, Om lumbar, Om sacral, Om coccyx, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, etc. 8 Godliness is practicalness, you will discover that for yourself. That’s why this gathering today is not a religious gathering and the friends that have invited me here are friends. I love you, but I’m not in love with you because to be in love is to fall out of love and then I’ll blame myself for making the mistake, but to love you, we have a wonderful relationship, wonderful communion, very unending, very rewarding. That’s different.

Adano00_TucsonQ4NW1 - The aging process is the inoperative behavior of the structure on time. Time is the distance light crossed the width of an electron, therefore the unit of time is measurable by action, conductance divided by resistance. We function in a time process, but we carry a ruler to keep track of it, it is called a watch. You are a light process and the rhythms of your light process are set. Transformation of carbon into the diamond and alchemy. Alchemy means “all the elements” but it built a philosophical structure to describe the mechanics of the 144 elements. But that label is not appropriate for today’s time because it carries with it a sense of guilt. Chemistry doesn’t have guilt, but the same laws and 144 elements are there. The reaction time is what we are dealing with constantly. If you are lead, you feel guilty that you are not gold. Al-mond means all the world, the 12 basic minerals that make the human body as a food, the most complete food. The physical body is in three rates of acceleration, the chemical rate, electrical rate, and the magnetic rate and they are all setup with chemistry. That’s why solar nutrition takes food into the mechanism on time. We came to this country because we didn’t have anything and our self enterprising nature pushes us forward. 10 Whenever a scientist makes a breakthrough in data concerning his environment, he is going to have to alter language from a guilt level to a non-guilt level, from a generalized level to a specific level, and no one is going to like him. 10 But if he doesn’t freak out, he might be an asset to society. Ancient people used certain techniques to break away from environmental programming like mantra or repetition. What they are trying to get at is integrative part of your beingness where the creative reservoir is functioning totally unlimited like a fountain of youth inside of you. Freemen or lord of your cells. Adano sings, “enjoy yourselves, it’s later than you think, enjoy yourselves, you’re never going to be pink, the years go by, they’re always full of drink, enjoy yourself before they stink.” This is nature’s greatest contribution to creation, but it is taking us time to come to grips with it. We are moving out of churchianity into human dignity which is called spirituality. Churchianity had to mold itself from primal consciousness, from its agrarian heritage it was valid, but it isn’t valid when it breeds sickness in the form of guilt. We have to come to grips with the reality that we are beings here for the purpose of expressing creativeness and therefore it is taking the laws of physics and chemistry to break away from that all inclusive frame, to let us look at ourcells for the first time without fear. I have one mantra, it is called Maha Asana, I will demonstrate it for you. Adano demonstrates. You see it, you heard it, it is called standing on your two feet. Delta has two functions, the first function of delta is this, Adano snores, the other state of delta is to get up and function and the moment of function is the moment of contribution. You are applying practicality. Delta doesn’t have anything to offer other than to release, it releases what you have. It is the non ego level. Deep down inside of us is the urge to do something constructive. We are programmed to feel unworthy, once you begin phasing that off and begin to look at yourself actually the way you are constructed, free men or lord of your cells (yourselves). Delta is the observer, you paid the money for the movie to come on the screen. Yogananda story about seeing himself on the battlefield being shot in the chest. We have this phenomena going on in us because we are an expression of light. 20 The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second and the earth is 8000 miles in diameter. Adano explains carbon dioxide and oxygen and how it links everybody together with the speed of light squared. 22:22 Paul came to the final realization that the miracles were not the essential purpose of life, understanding the truth is the real purpose of living, how to function in a guilt free state. So he said “I rebuke you in your rejoicing, for I live and die daily in the Lord.” Meaning he was able to phase in and phase out on the cosmic tape called oxygen that produces the phenomena called consciousness or identity which made the intimacy of self beingness, worthiness now, the greatest joy. That was his rejoicing for the first time. He was rejoicing in self beingness. Whenever you do something that doesn’t please the parent, they are going to remind you that you faltered. After awhile you get a sense of worthiness or unworthiness. But deep down inside, unworthiness also exists when the sperm are released to the ovum. You don’t know if you are going to be a winner because nobody asked you to run the race. The struggle goes into the biological memory banks to determine the willingness to survive. You wouldn’t be sitting in this room if you weren’t a winner. Adano explains twins and siamese twins as two sperms who did not slow down sufficiently to dock with the ovum. The creator has to put himself in all these different individual mechanic to test the love. Why is he testing love? Because he is endowing the creation with love. He creates us. We are created in this process and love is the principle that drives it to create therefore it has to endow the creation with love and give it a sense of worthiness, but a sense of worthiness is never appreciated unless there is a sense of competitiveness. You see it. You can’t have a front without a back, a top without a bottom. This is a necessary means to develop immunity to cope with the environment. 30 So every law of nature is well worked out. We have to come out and live it at the intellectual level and assess it with the intellect. So you need your intellect, your programming, to evaluate the biological laws. Here is another mantra at the intellectual level, “prayer unceasingly.” Breath is only prayer because it makes a sound in the inhalation and exhalation called So Hung, Adano snorts. “I am that,” “I am the sonics resonating in the nostril with the incoming / outgoing air.” When you begin to understand the truth behind it, you have to live the mantra by breathing. You disengage from the childlike behavior and get into the actual mechanics to live now. The mantra phases down beta to give you control in alpha, then it phases down the alpha to disengage you from the discordant geometry that is not stored correctly by memory tissue. You may say something and not take full note of it and that’s where you have the responsibility for the actions. Repetition is an ingrained process for discipline. You can also chant or shout it or maybe mentally think it. Each individual finds his own idiosyncrasy, like Frank Sinatra, “I did it my own way.” You must find what is intimate to your nature and apply it. You will get the same result in the end, that is the delta level, totally devoid of geometry, alphabet, and numerals, and the strength of the inner consciousness. That is the level you are heading to. The paths are many, but the truth and the experience is still the same. Then you have to get up and live it.

Adano00_UmarkedQ3NW1 - Holding the little finger up while drinking tea is “wearing their love on their sleeve.” That connects to the heart, they are very vain people and controls the small intestine, they don’t eat too much. Gap in tape. This finger controls circulation, sex drive, and elimination. Now this finger controls the lungs. Body language is already preset is already indicating how these forces are working inside. 2:20 We are so close to the experience of oneness if we can just program the mind to work with simple techniques. The oriental people have learned it so they use a candle, or they use a picture, or they use a photograph, something to center. And you say “I want to merge with the Master.” Isn’t that the common term you use? “I want to be one with the Master?” It is the same as saying I want to be one with the little flashlight. The image has nothing to do with the inner experience. The inner experience is a bridge between the physiological will and the psychological will in order to experience omnipresence which is a sense of oneness or at-one-ment. This is also a feeling of outside-ness of your body. Yet you are never really outside. Because outside of where? You have always been outside, but you were looking down and trying to hold onto this, calling this the reality, but when you break the illusion of the psychological level and see that “hey you’ve been free all these years and never knew you were free,” but dreams are the only way to help you to remember that you are free and most people get dreams that they are always traveling someplace, flying someplace. This is to remind you that you have always been outside. So don’t block them, the idea is to recapture them and start focusing them. Adano explains physiological will and the psychological will based on Hatha yoga postures. 10 Adano tells the story of the composer who can see the energy flowing up the body. Adano explains the flows of energy in the body and the alpha machine. Long silent periods in tape while Adano demonstrates techniques to people. Sounds like Margaret is talking about the elemental song and singing it 16 times for all the elementals in combination. 20 Margaret fumbling around with the relationships between the elementals, interrupting Adano. Adano explains pressure in the body pulling downward and upward on the colon. Ascending colon not flushing lung and large intestine to block up. Descending colon not flushing causes spleen, liver, and stomach to block up. It has to be kept clean.

Adano00_Xmas_CosmicConsciousnessQ1NW1 - Adano gives a talk with an organ in the background. Come, let us pray with the deepest devotion of our souls, Om Brahma, Om Vishnu, Om Shiva, etc. Our beloved Jesus Chris, Supreme Master Babaji, Great Master Lahiri Mahasaya, Master Swami Sri Yukteswarji, our beloved guru Paramahansaji Yogananda, and the saints and sages of all religions, we bow to thee all. May the Light of Christ Consciousness flow through us as it has manifested in thy life. Open the doors of consciousness that we may perceive in this incarnation the universal christ consciousness throbbing within our hearts. Bless us that we understand the truth and feel thy love and may thou love shine on the sanctuary of thy devotion that we may awaken this love in all hearts. Om, Christ, Gurus. 0:05 Good evening folks, we are gathered here tonight, myself, Sonny, and Al to wish you a Merry Christmas. At the same time to participate in group meditation. I would like you to join us and commune with Christ. 6 I want to tell you something very important tonight and that is how to see the beloved Jesus within ourselves. You may ask, how do you see a person? The answer is the eye. The eye is constructed like a camera. It has a dark chamber, a lens through which light is admitted, and a sensitive plate through which the light acts. In the human eye, the sensitive plate is the retina. Light acting on photo sensitive chemical substances in the retina creating impulses that are transmitted to the brain which interprets them as visual images. When you hear a sound, it too is converted into touch. You not only hear, but you feel it also as vibratory sensation. Similarly, light does not go into the brain as light, but acts on the photosensitive cells of the retina. The result is a chemical stimuli activating nerve impulses that travel to the brain and are converted there into mental images having form, line, and color. The retina is actually a thin out pocketing of the brain around which the eye has formed. In fact, when you see a person, you are not seeing him, but a photographic image. The power of vision is in the brain, but if the brain is anesthetized, you cannot see anything. Even when you become absent minded, your brain does not respond to the impulses coming into it from the retina. You are unaware of outer happenings. Many years ago, our guru Parahansaji, when he was a young boy, happened to be in a state of Samadhi or divine ecstasy. His uncle was so alarmed that his uncle struck him in an effort to arouse him. Master heard him saying “what is the matter with you? I struck you three times, but you did not respond.” Master was so deep in concentration, he had no bodily sensations. His mind was so focused on god that all sensory perception of his uncle’s presence and his slaps failed to register. 10 We seen then that we must have some form of contact and that is where the eyes are important. The eyes act as a two way camera. It photographs images from the outer world and also images from the subconscious and superconsciousness realms, the electrical nature. Our waking mind or conscious mind, reacts to retinal impressions. Observing images, objects, persons, that are in line with the vision. How then may a person see Jesus? This is the question tonight. We who have lived and have read of Jesus who has lived thousands of years ago would like to perceive him, not as a mental image, but the body of Jesus and the bodies of all saints who have lived on this earth plane and were immortalized in Cosmic Consciousness, God. It is possible and the Great Ones can appear before us anytime. 11:30 More so tonight, which is dedicated to Jesus. 12 How do such visions occur? There is a definite science to it. The technique is to focus your eyes at the Christ Center in the forehead between the eyebrows. When your eyes are upturned in this way, you shutoff the awareness of outer lights. Gradually, slowly, you will begin to see another light. This light is of a bluish color. Where does that light come from? It is the astral light of the brain, the electrical nature of man, that issues from the pineal eye or gland and the medulla oblongata. And that is reflected in your spiritual eye in the center of the forehead. This is the single eye of which Jesus spoke of when he said “if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” As you gaze at the point between the eyebrows slowly focusing the mind and thinking of Jesus, we will begin to see that it takes shape. 14 Now we know, that in order to see an object with shape, light is necessary. One cannot see in the dark, therefore all Saints saw in visions in a state of light, not physical, but astral light. It is necessary to shut of your physical vision first. To achieve success, the half open eyes have to be concentrated at the christ center. In order to see the astral light, you must focus your eyes at the astral center, calmly, without strain, relaxed, with deep concentration and devotion and in that astral eye you evoke the image of Jesus. Our Guru has seen Jesus many times. Jesus has olive skin and dark brown, his nose if flattened at the tip, his mustache, hair, and sparse beard are black. Keep your whole attention on that light in the spiritual eye. Don’t try to visualize his appearance, but silently generate the thought at the point between the eyebrows mentally saying, “please come to me” and continue with devotion, “please come to me.” From that cosmic source, that light of god will materialize around you. He will first come to you as a small image and as your power becomes stronger, it takes on the full form. 20 When you open your eyes fully, the vision will vanish. You will have to try harder to see him when the eyes are open. These experiences are tremendous, but can be only achieved with your deepest desire and love. So meditate until you make contact. The blessings of the guru and the grace of god is with us tonight. If you don’t see Christ right away, you will feel him. 25 I have been telling you this whole evening about Jesus and how to contact Him, but what is more important is the object of communion with the Christ Consciousness. For centuries, from Jerusalem to India, this earth plane has been hallowed by great souls who have all brought the same one message to us, that is the message of Self Realization, the Christ Intelligence which manifests throughout vibratory creation. A person cannot know of Jesus merely by reading a book on theology, scriptures, he must feel the presence of Jesus in deep meditation, he must have an experience of Christ Consciousness throughout vibratory creation. We must learn to seek this spiritual solace in the inner, immortal temple. 27 Let us enlarge the cup of our consciousness so that the Christ Consciousness can fill us and quench our Soul thirst. As we behold the Christ Consciousness in all individuals, families, races, creatures, we must finally experience Him in the spinal Christmas tree of the bodily temple. There we will discover the Star of Wisdom, the omnipresent Ever New Joy, the Cosmic Sound, Cosmic Light, Cosmic Vibration, Cosmic Wisdom, and Cosmic Love. Every year and every moment, the Christ is recognized in Cosmic Consciousness and the angelic beings all celebrate this glorious manifestation. Let us now celebrate this Christ Consciousness in our own meditation. Let us prepare the Christmas tree of the spine and let us place the eternal gifts on this beautiful spinal tree. The gift of eternal consciousness life, unconditional love, unattachment, service, understanding, self control, and self surrender. And as we place these gifts on the spinal column of the great cosmic Christmas tree, we behold the Cosmic Christ Consciousness permeating us in a golden, blue white light, flowing through us and around us and may this Consciousness lift us up that we be living examples of these glorious gifts and as we permeate our consciousness, not the physical body of Jesus, but the glorious Christ Consciousness that is in all creation, we will then participate of these glorious gifts that we feel in the spinal Christmas tree in the bodily temple. Om, Christ, Gurus. 30 Oh beloved Jesus, I surrender my ego to thy consciousness. May thy blessing flow through me to all these holy ones. As I touch them on their forehead, my thy blessing flow to them, granting them permanent Christ Consciousness in this bodily temple. And may they feel thy presence and behold the many masters who have made us conscious of thy presence. And may we live in this glorious consciousness and participate with this blessing. We thank thee. Om, Christ, Gurus. Adano stops for a moment, gap in tape. 37 Somebody else talking 40 Adano tells the story of Yogananda’s life. Babaji, the Supreme Master and Avatar made this statement years before Yogananda was born. “I see that you are interested in the West as well as the East.” “East and West must establish a golden middle path of activity and spirituality combined. We have much to learn from the West in material development and much to give in universal methods to the West in order for them to base their religious beliefs. You Swamaji have a part to play in the coming harmonious exchange between the East and the West. Some years hence I will send you a disciple whom you can train for Yoga dissemination in the West. The vibrations where of many spiritually seeking souls come flood like to me. I perceive potential saints in America and Europe waiting to be awakened.” You see Master’s life was preicted way before in a conversation between Supreme Master Babaji and Sri Yukteswar. Story about Yogananda praying for approval to go the West. Babaji came and gave him approval. This is all in Autobiography of a Yogi. gap in tape then somebody else talking. 50 Still somebody else talking. 60 Adano talking again. Beloved Master, perceive this great Cosmic Experience by gazing on the Supreme Master Babaji. Now, Master himself craved this experience to be a permanent thing within himself. Sri Yukteswar bestowed the divine experience of Cosmic Consciousness. The divine experience does not come by intellectual willingness or open mindedness. It descends through the enlargement of the consciousness and by devotion and through the natural inevitability of a divine nature, the student pulls at god with irresistible force and the cosmic vision is then drawn down within the seekers range of consciousness. Adano continues with stories from Autobiography of a Yogi. 1:00 Somebody else talking, the Samadhi poem. 1:10 Adano talking from these cosmic experience that it is possible for us, the disciples to daily experience this cosmic experience. As we close our eyes and gaze at the point between the eyebrows at the Christ center, slowly expanding our consciousness and beholding the golden light, the blue, the cosmic white star radiating, feeling our presence, traveling through our entire bodies into our rooms, the four walls. Beyond the four walls expanding to the very boundaries of our community, to the boundaries of our countries, and to the boundaries of other countries, expanding throughout the entire earth. Our consciousness is expanding to other planets, stars, galaxies, the entire creation. As we behold this cosmic chalice, this cosmic holy grail being filled with the divine spirit, the divine nature. We shall drink daily as we see the cosmic light and hear the cosmic sound and feel the cosmic bliss permeating our bodies and taste the cosmic nectar in our mouths and smell the cosmic perfume. Then we know, beyond all doubt, that we too are experiencing this glorious cosmic consciousness to which the master Paramahansaji came and brought the beautiful techniques for us to experience them. We shall daily commune with our cosmic nature and drink in this holy spirit. 1:10 Adano plays Yogananda’s voice reciting “God, Christ, Gurus.” Oh beloved Guru, Paramahansaji, I surrender my ego to thee. May thy blessing flow through me and through my hands and to thy beloved disciples. And may they feel thy presence when I touch them on the forehead with thy consciousness. May that consciousness flow into their consciousness and permeate them. We thank thee.

No suffix Ginger Cornell / NW1, NW2, NW3 Jodi Gore and Leslee Elsea / NW3 Jodi Gore / NW4 Veda Nevin / NW5 Shailaa / NW6 Arnold Howard / NW7 Marjorie Morgan